Singing Guide: Morgan Wallen

Singing Guide: Morgan Wallen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Are you trying to sing like Morgan Wallen? You're not alone! Wallen is undoubtedly one of the biggest names in country music today, and his unique voice and style have helped him stand head and shoulders above the rest of his competitors. If you want to learn how to sing like Morgan Wallen, there are certain things you can do.

First things first: You need to get your vocal range sorted out. Singing Carrots has an excellent vocal range test that can help you determine what your range is, as well as tools like Vocal Pitch Monitor to help you see your sung notes on a virtual piano. Be sure to use these helpful tools and exercises to accurately determine your vocal range, as this is crucial for learning how to sing like Morgan Wallen.

Once you have figured out your vocal range, you can start to work on your singing technique. One of the primary features of Wallen's voice is his distinctive twang, which you can learn to emulate by practicing regularly. Singing Carrots offers a How to Twang Exercise video to help you get started with learning the art of the twang. It is also essential that you work on your chest voice through exercises like the Singing Comfort Zone video

In addition to working on your technique, you'll want to start getting familiar with Wallen's music. Singing Carrots can help you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty level, and genre preference, with our song search feature. Some great Morgan Wallen songs to start with include ‘Whiskey Glasses,' ‘7 Summers,' and ‘More Than My Hometown.'

It is essential to pay attention to Wallen's singing style when practicing his songs. For example, notice his use of vocal registers, specifically his mixed voice, as demonstrated well in his song "More Than My Hometown." The use of dynamics and vocal variation adds interest and effectively communicates emotion. Wallen's vocal style also includes vibrato, which adds to his particular twang and tension. You can learn more about vibrato with Singing Carrots’ Singing with Vibrato article.

To perfect your singing skills further, check out Singing Carrots' educational program, which includes our 21-lesson singing course covering singing fundamentals and practical tips. The program follows a step-by-step approach, and you'll learn a variety of things, including singing theory and techniques. Be sure to read through Singing Carrots' blog articles as well, which include a wealth of useful and informative information about singing.

Morgan Wallen has a unique voice that stands out in the world of country music. However, with hard work, dedication, and the resources available from Singing Carrots, you can learn how to sing like this talented star. Here's to finding your voice and singing your heart out like Morgan Wallen!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.